Charr – a warring race with no place for the weak and the fools.They believe that only the ultimate victors reap legendary rewards. They still possess enthusiasm for life and the hunt. Norn – a race of towering hunters driven by the Ice Dragon from their glacial homeland.Their spirit, however, remains unshaken and continue to fight with every ounce of their strength. They have lost their homeland and their former glory. Human – once the most populous inhabitants of Tyria.They strive to balance their curiosity with duty and warfare with honor. Sylvari – noble beings who live for adventure and pursuing quests.They believe that it is not the strong who survive, but the clever. Asura – short alchemical inventors with unparalleled intelligence.Revenant – Released alongside the Heart of Thorns expansion, Revenants are powerful melee warriors with heavy armor and otherworldly abilities.They use grenades, turrets, elixirs, and other devices to defeat their enemies.

Varied PvP Options – with large scale PvP through World vs World or traditional Conquest / Team Deathmatch.Aimed Individual Skills – have to be aimed in combat.High Production Value – great visuals, interface, and musical score.Classes and Races – over nine playable classes, called professions, and five races.Story Driven Gameplay – with dynamic quests that impact the story.The expansions still have to be purchased but there are minimal restrictions for F2P users. The game originally launched as a buy-to-play title, but the core version of the game went free to play on August 29, 2015. Choose to play as one of five races and create your own story as you embark on adventures and quests in an expansive, mesmerizing, and dynamic world that changes based on your actions and decisions. Take your pick from eight unique professions, each with their own distinct playstyle. Guild Wars 2 transports players to the mythical fantasy world of Tyria, a land beset by Elder Dragons who have wreaked havoc on a once peaceful land.